Joeys Thrive will allow those who are isolating to feel part of our school community. This Alexa skill has been set up during the coronavirus isolation period whilst St Josephs RC High School in Horwich is closed to students. The purpose is to allow those who are isolating to feel part of our community. Our mission is... Jesus Christ is our family role model. Opening our hearts and minds to dream the impossible and achieve beyond our wildest imagination. Everybody is valued, nurtured and respected. Young and old will journey together to build God’s Kingdom. Striving for academic excellence and celebrating success in all we do. We hope that through this skill we can model the work of Jesus in our school family and encourage our young people to keep on dreaming and achieve beyond their wildest imaginations, no matter what difficult times we are going through at the moment in the world. In doing so we will aim to show how much we value each other, stand together to build a bit of heaven on earth and encourage all to seek academic success ...even when schools are closed.