Friends is one of the most famous TV sitcoms that ran for ten years on NBC. The shows follows the group of six, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and Ross, in their lives as twenty-somethings. The show is extremely relate able for people of every age. Each friend has a super different personality, one to connect with for every viewer. The show runs us through things like relationship problems, work, money, family, but most of all, strong friendships that can last a lifetime. The growth of each character over the course of the show has us all rooting for each of them along the way! Each friend ends the show in a totally different place then they were in the pilot, but one thing stays the same, their love for each other! The group grows together, each of them overcoming their own battles, and making huge strides in their lives! Whether you are 30 and remember watching the show when it was on prime time TV, or you are 20 and watch re-runs or binge it on Netflix, most people have seen this show. But, if you are a total FRIENDS superfan, you'll definitely be successful on this quiz! Prove to us that you are by getting each of these next 25 questions right!