Use the Alexa skill to get the best bargain last minute holidays deals from TUI and First Choice, all departing within the next 8 weeks!
Discover a new offer each day, always with exclusive extra discount only available through Amazon Alexa. You could be jetting off before you know it at a price you cannot find anywhere else!
We'll ask you to link your account so we can send an email each time you ask for the daily deal. This will provide full details of the amazing offer plus a unique discount code that allows you to save even more!
Every holiday has been very heavily discounted, so don't hang around if you find your ideal last minute getaway. Book online at and don't forget to use your exclusive discount code.
On first use just tell us your preferred airport and we'll do our very best to bring you the top deals from an airport near you. If there are no great deals from your chosen airport on the day you ask, we'll look a bit further afield to find you a bargain.