Control your Libratone ZIPP and ZIPP Mini with Alexa - and set your music free. Enjoy full freedom of voice controlled music. Turn up the volume when it’s time to party or skip a track if the beat gets too mellow.
Your Libratone speaker needs to be registered to your Libratone account in order to work with Alexa. You register your speaker in 4 simple steps: 1. Open your Libratone App. 2. Go to “My profile” from the menu in the top right corner (3 dots). 3. Go to “Registered products”. 4. Click “Register your product” and select it from the list.
To get the best experience with Alexa and Libratone, we advise you to use friendly names. There are two ways to set these names: 1. Open your Libratone App. Select your speaker in Soundspaces and change the name in the settings. 2. Create an Alexa group, like Bedroom or Downstairs, and add the device to the group. More information is available at Create a Smart Home Device Group (
After registering and naming your Libratone speakers, go to the Alexa app and click the "Enable Skill" button to link your Libratone account with Alexa and discover your devices. Find more information about connecting smart home devices at Connect a Smart Home Device to Alexa (
That’s it! You are ready to set music free with Libratone and Alexa:
"Alexa, play on (speaker name)" "Alexa, pause on (speaker name)" "Alexa, set volume to (number) on (speaker name)" “Alexa, resume on (speaker name)” “Alexa, stop on (speaker name)” “Alexa, play next on (speaker name)” “Alexa, play previous on (speaker name)” “Alexa, start over on (speaker name)” “Alexa, turn up the volume on (speaker name)” “Alexa, turn down the volume on (speaker name)” “Alexa, mute on (speaker name)” “Alexa, unmute on (speaker name)”
If you have any questions, please visit Libratone Support at