Note: LimerGeek is pronounced "limmer geek", like Limerick - not like in "lime"
What will this skill do, take a guess. Go on, try it out - it's a bless! You're in need of a rhyme and it will in no time read a Lim'rick - not more and not less.
Well, actually there is a bit more to it. In addition to a random Limerick, you can also ask for a modern Limerick (that is, a Limerick published in the current century), by saying one of the following: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for a (modern/contemporary/recent) one - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for a (modern/contemporary/recent) Limerick
Alternatives to "modern" are: contemporary, recent, new And who knows, what the future holds? ;-)
And you can even choose a century by saying one of these: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for a 19th century Limerick - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for a Limerick from the 21st century
If you prefer to stick to more traditional Limericks, there are two options: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for an old Limerick => Only returns Limericks from before the 21st century - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for a (classic/traditional) Limerick => Returns Limericks that adhere to a more traditional form in terms of rhyming and content, leaving out more experimantal forms or political content, but still including modern Limericks regardless of publication date.
You can also put these restrictions in place for all future requests for a random Limerick, by saying: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek to restrict to (modern/contemporary/recent/old/classic/traditional/19th century) Limericks ...and disable this restriction in order to receive all Limericks again, by saying: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek to unrestrict - Alexa ask LimerGeek to return all Limericks again
If you want to hear the last Limerick again, try one of the following: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek to repeat - Alexa, ask LimerGeek to repeat the last one - Alexa, ask LimerGeek to repeat the last Limerick
You can also ask for the author of the last Limerick you heard, just ask: - Alexa, ask LimerGeek who wrote that - Alexa, ask LimerGeek for the author Additional information will be provided on a card in the Alexa App
A special thanks goes out to @Limericking and @Limerick_News on Twitter for providing their contemporary Limericks to the collection. If you're interested in contributing your own Limericks, feel free to contact us at