Replace the timer of the game Make'n'Break with your Alexa. From now on, you can leave the die and the timer in the box!
Instead of rolling the die first and then crank up the clock, just say "Alexa, tell Make'n'Break timer to start." and Alexa helps you out. At first, Alexa tells you a random Number between 1 and 3 and then immediately starts the corresponding timer. She replies again shortly before and when the timer is done.
If you want to play without rolling the die, say "Alexa, tell Make'n'Break timer to set to 3." and Alexa will start the timer for the number 3. That works for 1 (40 seconds), 2 (50 seconds) and 3 (1 minute), just like with the original game.
DISCLAIMER: THIS ALEXA SKILL IS NO OFFICIAL MAKE'N'BREAK PRODUCT! It only refers to this name, because it (1) is an extension especially for this game, (2) should be associated with it and (3) be found and used as such.