The Marvel Cinematic Universe (M.C.U) is an American media franchise and shared universe concept on a series of superhero films, produced by Marvel Studios based on Marvel Comics by Late Mr.Stan Lee. Marvel has created an incredibly huge and rich universe over the past decade and created some never forgetting events like from the Tony Stark as "Iron Man" to the fight between Captain and Iron man to the Endgames Worth seeing Climax and many more. At this point, fans of the M.C.U have an insane amount of information to hang onto for future movies, so I thought I'd give you all a destination to prove yourself a true Marvel Fan. So now, let's see if you're an M.C.U super fan.
Basically, the trivia starts in this way:-
1. Say "Hey Google, Talk to Marvel Break-time" on your google assistant,it will take to my trivia.
2. It will ask you sets of questions based on M.C.U movies.
3. Correspondingly You have to answer the questions to move forward and test your knowledge.
I’ve put the answers as well as explanation to the M.C.U trivia questions, so you can quiz yourself as you go through. Challenge yourself, it’ll be fun!