With this math calculator you can ask alexa for simple math solutions like addition ,multiplication, division, subtraction of 2 numbers. To Get Started: Say "Alexa open math calculator". if want to add two numbers ex if you want to add 6 and 9 just ask " what is 6 plus 9 " then alexa will tell you sum of 2 numbers. Similarly if you want to subtract 2 numbers ex: 6 and 3 simply ask " what is 6 minus 3" If you want to divide 2 numbers just ask ex: 6 and 3 simply ask " what is 6 divide by 3" Similarly if you want to multiply 2 numbers ex: 6 and 3 simply ask " what is 6 multiply 3"
If you need any help simply ask "help" or "help me" If you want to stop or cancel this app Just say "stop" or "cancel"