Amaze your friends and astound your family with your mind reading skills! Alexa will think of a number between one and ten, and using your psychic powers and a little sprinkling of magic you will delve into her mind and correctly reveal the number she has chosen, every time - but when your friends try they will just be guessing!
This is a magic trick, not a guessing game - you just get one chance to successfully read Alexa's mind.
How does the magic work? Listen closely to what Alexa says when she asks you to guess the number.
Count the number of words that she says at the end of he sentence, then add five if she says that she is "thinking" or "thought" - this will give you the number that she is thinking of. If the number is bigger than ten then subtract ten. It's quite easy when you try it!
For example: "I've chosen a number between one and ten - what is it?" This would be 3 (3 words - "what is it")
"I'm thinking of a number between one and ten - what is it?" This would be 8 (3 words - "what is it", then for "thinking" add 5, 3+5=8)
"I've thought of a number between one and ten - please tell me what it is" This would be 1 ("please tell me what it is" is 6 words, for "thought" add 5, 6+5=11, so number becomes 1)
If you say "Help" then the number that Alexa is thinking of will appear in your Alexa app.
As with any magic of this type, the more that you repeat this in front of people the more likely they are to work out the trick, remember sometimes less is more!
With a little practice you'll be amazing and infuriating your friends as you are getting the right answer every time as they fail miserably.