Alexa randomly decides who it is and presents the result together with a funny rhyme that brings back memories.
You know the questions from everyday life: Who's taking out the garbage? Who's clearing the table? Who does the dishes? Or simply: "WHO IS IT?"
If you can't agree or decide, then ask Alexa and she decides for you with a funny counting rhyme, which will certainly remind you of your childhood. You can also ask for a random number and make a decision.
Here are a few examples of how you can start right away: - "Alexa, ask Miny Moe who wins." - "Alexa, ask Miny Moe if Mary or John is it." - "Alexa, ask Miny Moe if Billy or Hilary does the dishes." - "Alexa, start Miny Moe and tell me the winner among Eny and Miny and Moe." - "Alexa, start Miny Moe and decide among Donald and Angela." - "Alexa, ask Miny Moe for decision among 7 players."
Here are a few examples you can try once the skill has started: - "Play with Arny and Sly." - "Give me the winner among Daisy and Goofy." - "Give me a random number up to 42." - "Decide whether Tom or Jerry is it." - "With James and Franco." - "Who's turn is it."
If you need help, try "Start Miny Moe" and then say "Help". To provide feedback, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail to