If want to watch a movie, but you're not sure what to watch, why not ask Movie Critic for some advice.
You can get movie ratings, movie details (synopsis), or ask for a movie recommendation (including recommendations by genre).
Here are some example phrases to help you:
Recommend a movie Alexa, ask Movie Critic to recommend a movie Alexa, ask Movie Critic to recommend a film Alexa, ask Movie Critic to recommend an action movie Alexa, ask Movie Critic to recommend a good comedy movie Alexa, ask Movie Critic to suggest a horror film
Ratings Alexa, ask Movie Critic to give me the rating for Enter the Dragon Alexa, ask Movie Critic to tell me the rating for Batman Begins Alexa, ask Movie Critic what's the rating for Return of the Jedi
Details Alexa, ask Movie Critic to tell me about Enter the Dragon Alexa, ask Movie Critic what is Batman Begins about Alexa, ask Movie Critic to give me the synopsis for Return of the Jedi
Powered by the awesome Trakt (trakt.tv) and The Movie DB (themoviedb.org) APIs.
“Alexa, ask Movie Critic to recommend a comedy movie”