ABOUT MR STOCK This Alexa skill tells you the latest stock market news, news about a company, stock price of a company, most active stocks, most gainers and most losers. You can either say the full name of the company like "Internal Business Machines", or stock symbol like "IBM" to reference a stock.
WHAT IS NEW: Now you can ask Mr Stock for the stock price of a company. Just say "What is the price of Intel" or Price of Intel".
PHRASES: You can say "Help" at any time to get the help menu. To ask news about a company, say "What is the news about Intel". Please replace Intel with the company stock ticker or company name you want such as "Google", "Microsoft".
To ask for news about a company: Say " News about Intel". To ask for the price of a stock: Say "Price of Intel" To ask for stock market news: Say "What is the latest market news". To ask for most active stocks: Say "Most active" To ask for most gainers: Say" Most gainers" To ask for most losers: Say "Most losers" To ask for help: Say "Help"