*Please use the "Gallery" skill if you are on display device.
Do you want to have your songs/audios library available on the Alexa, then, "Music Gallery" is the spot where you get all this. The skill allows you to classify your audios into albums. Just open the skill and select the album you want to listen to.
The "Music Gallery" is an alternate service to "Gallery" which focuses only on Audios and is offered by VoiMes.com. To use this service, you need to register yourself on voimes.com. Once registered, you are allowed to use the services. To use the service, go to the gallery/album section and create some Albums as you want, select albums and then, link audios to those albums. Now, enable our Skill and use it by saying "Alexa open Music Gallery". The method is really easy and doesn't involve any complex steps. However, a few steps are mentioned here.
Here are some commands: play album sample audios/show album one (To play all the audios) resume/next/previous/pause home/goto home, my feedback is "could be little better/Awesome/Nice skill". stop (To end the skill)
Steps to access the Services: Step 1: Register/Login on voimes.com Step 2: Enable the skill "Gallery" on Alexa and open it by saying "Open Album Gallery" Step 3: You will get the code, note this code and get it verified on the Gallery/Albums section of the website Step 4: Once you are verified go ahead and create albums. Step 5: Once albums are created link few media under audios Step 6: Open the skill on Alexa and use it
To view the process demo click on the link or visit the faq section on voimes.com https://www.voimes.com/faqs.php
You are welcome to drop feedback or give suggestions on what you like or what you don't like. Also, what you want me to improve in the next version. Drop an email on voimesservices@gmail.com.