My Feedback is a simple, convenient way to provide your feedback anytime on your favorite or not so favorite brands, products and experiences.
The feedback you provide is made available to the companies you provide feedback on so they can learn from your experiences and improve the way they help you meet your needs.
To activate the skill just say, “Alexa, start My Feedback”.
Alexa will ask you what company you want to give feedback on, ask you to rate that company based on how likely you are to recommend that company, and ask you why you gave that rating so the company can learn from its successes and mistakes!
You can even specify products or experiences that your feedback is about.
Be heard now with My Feedback!
*My Feedback is based on Bain & Company’s Net Promoter Score approach to customer feedback – Net Promoter® is a trademark of Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems and Fred Reichheld