I find myself asking Alexa what's for dinner all the time. She always has a stock response, but it's not really an actionable answer, unless I want to order pizza every night. (Shout out to the Domino's skill.) And recipe skills are too complicated over voice--the search functionality and deliverance method just isn't optimized for Alexa yet. I needed a skill that would just get me started. "Yellow curry chicken with cauliflower rice." "Ground beef in spicy arrabiata sauce, mixed with heavy cream and mozzerella cheese." Sounds great, Alexa, thanks for reminding me. There's about 30 ideas, and I'll be happy to add any suggestions! This is only my second skill, so it's a simple one-time interaction model right now. It tells you the recipe AND it sends it to your app/Show! I'm hoping to add a level soon that allows you to ask her for just beef recipes, or just easy recipes, or just sides. For some, these recipe ideas might be too obvious--and for some, they might be too new! I'm aiming for a good balance, and adding new things all the time. Thank you for trying it out!