Grab a piece of paper and create your grid and place your Armada on it, but do not show Alexa!
Ask Alexa for help about your armrada so you know what ships you have at your disposal.
Create your target grid to gather the results of your shots at Alexas armada.
Start shooting, marking Alexas response on your target grid. Try sink her armada before she sinks yours.
When Alexa shoots back, tell her if it was a hit, a miss or if she sunk for instance a destroyer.
The grid size and armadas change as you increase your level through beating Alexa. When you are at level 1 the size is 5 by 5 and at level 3 it is 10 by 10.
Ask for help, information on score and your level at any time.
Ask about your armada if you loose track of your ships status.
If you do a mistake - you can correct the response you gave when Alexa shot. Just say correct row by column, and she will help you!