Enhance your bus travel experience with the Nottingham City Transport (NCT) Buses skill for Alexa. You can now plan your journey or find the latest bus times to bus services using your voice and an Amazon Echo device.
The travel information provided in the NCT Buses skill comes direct from NCT, the biggest transport operator in Nottingham, with 330 buses providing a comprehensive network of services across the city, 7 days a week.
All NCT buses are tracked by satellite, feeding live bus departure information to hundreds of bus stops across the network as well as being available on our fully responsive website and NCTX Buses app. This data is now available in the NCT Buses skill for Alexa.
This is the latest development NCT Buses has made to provide those we serve with a safe, reliable, value for money, integrated, public transport network which has the least impact on our environment.
Pease note, in order to use the skill fully, you will need to set your device location to be within the operating area of NCT. This can be done through the device settings of the Alexa app.
“Alexa, ask NCT buses for bus times from George Street”