We know disruptions are annoying, and you want information and updates as they happen.
Hear the latest information about water disruptions in your area, directly from Northumbrian Water. Using your postcode, Alexa tells you the latest on all works and emergency repairs in your area. You’ll be able to find out if a repair is underway and more importantly when your water supply is back to normal.
We’re here to help. You can also ask us a question about how much water things use, and see if Alexa knows the answer. * “Alexa, ask Northumbrian Water how much does it cost to wash the dishes?” * “Alexa, ask Northumbrian Water how much water does it take to make a car?” * “Alexa, ask Northumbrian Water how much water does a cow use?”
To get started, click enable and give Alexa your postcode. Simple.
“Alexa, ask Northumbrian Water to tell me a random water usage fact”