Tired of thinking good passwords every time you make an account somewhere? Can't remember the password you set a while ago? PassWarden Skill is here. PassWarden helps you generate random passwords, every time you say generate password and you can save them by giving a keyname, to retrieve your password. With PassWarden, your password is, Easy to Remember but Hard to Guess.
1. To Generate a New password, Say: "generate password", "pass please", "tell me a new password", "tell me a random password"
2. To Save this Password, Say: "Save this password as {passwordKey}", "save as {passwordKey}", "save my password as {passwordKey}", "save it as {passwordKey}", "save with the name {passwordKey}"
3. To Retrieve a Password, Say: "What is my {passkey} password" "What is {passkey} password" "{passkey} password" "password for {passkey}"