Picture This is for learning and using the ArchiMate® visual modeling language standard for enterprise architecture. You can ask Picture This to define any ArchiMate language concept (element or relationship), and a wide range of terms that describe the language and its use. You can also ask Picture This for the relationships that are allowed between one concept and a second concept, which may be the same as the first.
After Alexa responds to your question and prompts you for another, you may say "repeat' to hear the response again, ask another question, or say "bye" or "stop" to exit the skill.
ArchiMate is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This skill is based on the ArchiMate 3.01 standard published by The Open Group and available at http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/archimate3-doc/
“Alexa, ask Picture This how can I connect Business Actor to Business Proces... ”