Poem Reader is a random collection of poems for the whole family. Enable the skill to ask for today's poem or the daily rhyme. Alexa will say the poem, not sing it. This skill is meant to help teach you the words to some popular poems and rhymes.
Are we missing one poem you love, send us an email and if it's not under copyright we will add it. info@geekgirlmarketing.com
This skill has given voice to the rhymes and poems that many people know and love. You can use the example phrases to launch the skill and have Alexa read you a fun poem or rhyme. To encourage politeness, you can add the word "please" after any phrase.
Here are some additional phrases you can use: Alexa, Ask Poem Reader for a rhyme, please. Alexa, Open Poem Reader. Alexa, Ask Poem Reader for Today's poem. Alexa, Tell Poem Reader to give me a poem, please.
Please send us feedback by sending us an email with your comments and suggestions at info@geekgirlmarketing.com.