Raspberry Jams are events organised by the community for people to share knowledge, learn new things, and meet other Pi enthusiasts. They’re a great way to find out more about the Raspberry Pi and what you can do with it, and to find like-minded people.
You can use this skill to find out when Raspberry Jams are in your area or which jams are on a certain date. When you let Alexa know your town or city name, you may need to add UK or USA to the end. For example:
Preston UK Cambridge USA
If you start the skill by saying "Alexa, start Raspberry Jam Finder", Alexa will guide you through the process.
For a quick response, start the skill with a date, town or city in your sentence.
Dates can be in the format of: Today Tomorrow May 5th This Saturday Next Saturday
This skill is not associated with or endorsed by the Raspberry Pi foundation.
“Alexa, ask Raspberry Jam Finder when the next jam is near Preston UK”