This skill is an attempt to capture reading minutes. You can add multiple readers to it and then can add minutes for each reader. The skill then can provide total reading minutes or minutes for the current month. Some Sample phrases:
"Alexa, launch Reading Log and add John" "Alexa, start Reading Log and add twenty minutes for John" "Alexa, open Reading Log and tell me total minutes for John" "Alexa, open Reading Log and tell me total minutes for John for this month" "Alexa, start Reading Log and remove John"
Instead of Single phrase mentioned above, you can also use the conversation mode. e.g.
"Alexa, open Reading Log"
Alexa will launch the skill and then prompt you to for the next steps. At this point you can say: "add twenty minutes for John" or "tell me total minutes for john" or "tell me total minutes for John for this month" or "remove John"