Store all your personal recipes in one place at and access them on Alexa for step-by-step guidance through each ingredient and every cooking instruction. Manage items in your pantry and easily add all ingredients from a recipe that aren't in your pantry to your shopping list. Search recipes by name, included and excluded ingredients, cuisine, keywords or rating.
PREREQUISITES: You need to link your RecipeSpeak account with your saved recipes to start using this skill. To store your recipes, sign in to your account at and use its easy to use mobile-friendly web interface.
To start, you could say
“Alexa, ask Recipe Speak to find a recipe with chicken and garlic”
If you have saved any recipes with chicken and garlic as ingredients on, they are presented one after the other.
Say “yes” to select recipe. Say “next” to move to next result.
Once you have selected a recipe, to navigate through the ingredients and the list of instructions, use the words “next”, “previous”, “repeat”, “Go to start”, “Go to ingredients” and “Go to steps”. The skill will ask questions and provide instructions to navigate you through the recipe.
TIP: Say “pause” to put the skill on hold, while you are gathering ingredients or while you are waiting for a cooking step to be done. Say “Alexa, open recipe speak” to pick up where you left off.
After selecting a recipe, you may query the quantity of any ingredient at any time. For example, you may say “How much pepper” or “How many onions”.
You can mark a recipe as "active" on the website and access it by saying "get my active recipe".
Icon for Recipe Speak made by Twitter from and is licensed by CC 3.0 BY.
“Alexa, ask Recipe Speak to start recipe super search”