With nearly 30% of the UK population suffering from sleep deprivation, lack of focus and living in a fast and busy city life has made everything hectic with no time to relax. This skill will help you rejuvenate the soul, mind, and body. These sounds are played in a way that they will help you lighten your brain and help you sleep better or even help you in attaining a better concentration level. Some of the sounds are composed by sleep therapists and psychiatrists. So, just try them out and if you like what you listen, make sure to leave a review and a rating.
Currently, there are 11 different sounds: to begin the playlist just say "Alexa, open relaxing sounds" Or to open a particular sound, say "Alexa, ask relaxing sounds to play <Name_of_the_sound>"
Names of the sounds are: 1. Babbling Brook 2. Fire 3. Jungle Safari 4. Piano 5. Clock 6. Train 7. Thunderstorm 8. Hypnosis 9. Baby (Mother's womb sound- provenly good to relax a weeping baby) 10. Fan 11. Fan on medium Also, try the other similar skill: sleeping sounds https://www.amazon.com/Sleeping-Sounds-Relax-Study-Meditate/dp/B0795B4MG1/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
Try them out! Make a request for more relaxing sounds at apooos3@gmail.com