As we grow, our way of communication too needs to be enhanced accordingly. Have you ever worried, you need to improvise your public speaking skills or writing skills. No worries! Always practice and practice is the only way to overcome all your fears and one day, believe it or not, you would be one the best presenter.
Do you know you can practice with Alexa? Spark Stirrer offers you with a curated collection of questions in the way of sparks. These sparks will stir and provoke your brain and ignite your public speaking, critical-thinking and writing skills. Improving Communication Skills and help you practice and motivate you is what Spark Stirrer does! Just Say, Alexa, Open Spark Stirrer!
You can give Spark Stirrer a try by, # "Enable the Skill, Spark Stirrer!" in your Echo Devices. # Just Say... Alexa, Open Spark Stirrer! # Listen to sparks, try, think, practice and have fun!! # Once skill is enabled User could able to listen Sparks in all your Echo Devices. # While traveling, if you are don't have your Alexa device in car, Open the Alexa App from any of your mobile, then tap the Alexa Icon and Say "Spark Stirrer". That's it, Start Listening to the sparks from your already purchased or available catalog and practice while you travel!
Kindly leave your ratings and reviews which would be helpful in shaping Spark Stirrer! Would love to hear which sparks you loved thinking and which sparks you enjoyed sharing with friends and family, or any suggestions or Sparks you would like Spark Stirrer can add to it's growing catalog of sparks!
If would like to leave any feedback or experience any issues in Spark Stirrer, the developer can be reached at