Spell bee quiz is an Alexa skill which is created to put your English knowledge to test with these fantastic questions set in the form of quiz. Our aim is to expose the user to learn the synonyms, antonyms, one word substitution and correct spelt of the words for that we have developed this skill. In this project we have set total 50 number of questions which will asked randomly by the Alexa, and the user need to answer the question. It is very useful and knowledgeable skill for the user because in this skill we have added so many new words in this skill. If the user invokes the skill as open spell bee quiz then the Alexa may ask what do you want to play the user have to say that quiz then Alexa may ask randomly the seven questions If we give correct answer then it says correct answer and if we give wrong answer then it says wrong answer and tell the correct answer and then it will ask next question. After correct and wrong answer an audio is played because we have used airtable in our skill. How to use?
1.Wake up the skill with "Alexa open spell bee quiz"
2. If you want to play quiz say "start quiz"