Spices and aromatic herbs can improve the taste and flavor of each recipe. Not sure how to use them? Want to try some new matches? Spicey can help you find more than hundreds of spices, the best solution for your dish. You can search by ingredients (vegetables, meat, cheese, dessert, etc.) or with the name of the recipe. Try searching for a couple of ingredients to calculate the best pairings. What is good with tomato and zucchini? Or what's good with pizza? Find out with almost endless choices.
Some usage examples: - Alexa open spice pairing - Alexa, ask spice pairing what goes well with potatoes - Alexa, ask spice pairing what matches with lasagna - Alexa, ask spice pairing what matches with sausage and mushrooms - Alexa, ask spice pairing what goes well with apple and banana
Please note that you can search 1 or max 2 ingredient at a time. For any further information please refer to https://www.spicey.recipes
“Alexa, ask spice pairing what goes well with spaghetti”