Lookup stock quote last price by company or by symbol.
Example requests: * Alexa, open stock lookup * Alexa, ask stock lookup for help * Alexa, ask stock lookup for company apple * Alexa, ask stock lookup for company a * Alexa, ask stock lookup for symbol txn * Alexa, ask stock lookup for symbol MMM * Alexa, ask stock lookup for symbol A * Alexa, ask stock lookup for company ford * Alexa, ask stock lookup for company instruments
TIPS: * Unless, and even if you know the symbol, you may want to look that up by asking for 'company' instead of 'symbol' and then selecting from the list of choices that Alexa will provide.
* When looking up companies, try not including Corp or Incorporated, for example, lookup "Citigroup" instead of "Citigroup Incorporated"
Stock Lookup retrieves stock data from Markit On Demand and is not guaranteed to have real-time stock price information and is therefore only recommended to be used as a general reference and not for making stock trading decisions.
Icon made by Vectors Market from flaticon.com and is licensed by CC 3.0