The Structural Graphics Connect Action is a companion to the Structural Graphics Connect Brochure and showcases the type of companion Action that comes with every Structural Graphics Connect campaign. It demonstrates how recipients of the Structural Graphics Connect Brochure can access the same information as contained in the card.... plus any additional information the sponsor desires. The information contained on the Connect Brochure is finite, the information and Natural Language Understanding of the companion Google Assistant action is infinite. The campaign sponsor can update information available on the Action on a regular basis and even program the Action to provide users with updates and news flashes. The more timely and fresh information on the Action is, the more likely that the user will access the Action on a regular basis. In addition, the campaign sponsor can include a unique user ID on the printed brochure. When a user first activates the Action, providing the unique user ID will insure that only approved users will have access to high level technical information. Once registered, the Action will always recognize the user and will permit the user to request data, white papers and other printed material be sent in digital form to his or her Google Action.