Do you want the latest news or a deeper understanding climate change? Are you looking for something to entertain your kids with or you may have a special interest in documentaries?
Sveriges Radio is the Swedish non-commercial, independent public service radio that offers you all that. Join the 4 million people that listen to us every day!
Visit for a detailed description of available channels and programs.
Conversational interface:
“Alexa, open Swedish Radio”
Alexa responds with welcome message.
Say the following or prepend with: play, listen to or stream.
- <channel name> -> P one, P two, P three, etc.
- <program name> -> Studio Ett, Stil, Musikguiden i P3, etc. (Some English and German translations also work)
- <national program> -> News, The News, News Update, Sports News, Culture News, Science News, Weather, Weather Report, Weather Update.
- <local channel> -> P four (Only works if the user has set a local channel. Otherwise the user is asked to set a local channel.)
- The news -> Plays a news flow of top news mixed with local news if the user has set a local channel.
To play a specific P4 channel, ask Alexa to play P4 Stockholm, P4 Gothenburg, etc.
Single interaction interface:
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio to play (then one of the above)”
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio for (then one of the above)”
“Alexa, play (one of the above) from Swedish Radio”
Song query dialog flow (only works for live audio):
“Alexa, open Swedish Radio and play P three”
P3 starts playing.
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio what’s playing”
Alexa responds with song artist and title or information about the current program.
Program query dialog flow:
“Alexa, open Swedish Radio and play P one”
P1 starts playing
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio what’s playing”
Alexa responds with current program title and description
Variations to Song and Program queries:
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio what’s playing”
- If a song is playing, Alexa responds with artist and title
- If no song is playing, Alexa responds with program title and description
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio what song is playing”
- If a song is playing, Alexa responds with artist and title
- If no song is playing, Alexa says that she doesn’t know what’s playing
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio what program this is”
- Alexa responds with program title and description
It is also possible to ask for the previous song.
Fast forward or rewind:
When playing non live audio - “Alexa, ask Swedish Radio to <skip, fast forward> 5 minutes” or “Alexa, ask Swedish Radio to <rewind, go back> 2 minutes”
Jumping between episodes:
When playing non live audio - “Alexa, next” or “Alexa, previous”
Alexa will then fetch the next or previous recommended episode for the user.
Play the news
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio to play the news”
When a user asks for “the news”, Alexa will play a number of top news. If a local channel has been set Alexa will mix local news with top news. When the news is finished, a recommended episode will play. After the episode has been played, Alexa will play a news update which is a shorter version of the regular news flow. Then a new recommended episode will play until the user says stop.
Selecting a local P4 channel
“Alexa, ask Swedish Radio to set local channel”
The user can set a local P4 channel which will play if the user asks for “P4”. This setting will also affect the news flow. Local news will be mixed in with top news.
Continuous play:
When an episode is finished, Alexa will queue the previous episode until you say stop.