The Tale of Peter Rabbit, written by Beatrix Potter, is an ageless children's story. It's told by Alexa as only she can. Suitable for children of all ages with some 'yes' or 'no' interactions so the listener can feel part of the tale.
NOTE TO PARENTS: There may be some words unfamiliar to children such as currants (like raisins but smaller), gooseberry net (gooseberries are red berries found on bushes, the net protects the berries from rabbits), sieve (a fine mesh used, in this case, as a bucket to get the rocks out of soil) .
If you think this story would be more engaging if Alexa asked the listener questions or explained the meaning of the words in the story, please be sure to comment in the review section of your Alexa app on your phone.
If you would like other classic stories read by Alexa, please also leave your thoughts in the comments of your review.
Story time is about six minutes.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy The Tale of Peter Rabbit.