Tecomat allows the user to control home appliances implemented by the Tecomat PLC application program using Google Home. Using Tecomat PLC and the I/O peripherals connected to it, it is possible to implement Smart Home elements such as: Lights, dimmable lights, RGB lights:
"Turn on the light", "Adjust light to 50% brightness", "Set the light to warm white", "Set the light to green" Outlets (with optional Secondary User Verification):
"Turn on the outlet in Kitchen", "Turn off the socket" Fans with speed control:
"Turn on the fan", "Set fan speed to low" Switches:
"Turn off the switch in Bathroom" Sensors - temperature, humidity, smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide:
"What humidity is in Bedroom?", "Is any smoke detected in Living Room?"
For our smoke sensors and carbon monoxide sensors the device Notifications feature is implemented. So you can be notified when some alarm situation arises. Thermostats with heat, cool and heat-cool control:
"What is the temperature in Living Room?", "Set the temperature to 22 degrees", "Set the thermostat to heatcool mode" Blinds, Doors, Gates, Garages (with optional Secondary User Verification):
"Open the gate", "Close the garage", "Open the blinds to 50%"