Trebble FM lets you stay up-to-date with all the subjects you care about by listening to shortcasts (very short podcasts) from your favorite sources. If you are new to Trebble FM and you don't know what to listen to, you can always say to your Google Assistant device "Give me some suggestions" or "Help" while interacting with the Trebble FM voice app to get suggestions on Trebble stations to listen to. You can also browse our online directory at to discover amazing content to listen to. If you come across something you like, you can subscribe to it and you'll be able to enjoy it easily on your Google Assistant device. Once you have one or more subscriptions, all you have to say to listen to them on your Google Assistant device is "Hey Google, ask Trebble FM to play my news". You can also play a specific Trebble station if you know its name. For example, Let's say you want to listen to capsules from a Trebble station called "The Daily Refresh", all you have to do is say "play me the latest capsules from The daily refresh". Do you have your own news and stories you would like to share? Visit the Trebble website at to create your own Trebble station for free and broadcast your voice to the millions of people with an assistant-powered device.