Our new Alexa Skill provides you with a quick and easy estimated valuation range for your property.
Simply say one of the following phrases to get started… - "Alexa, open Hunters Estate Agents " and then "Value my home" - "Alexa, ask Hunters Estate Agents to value my flat" - "Alexa, ask Hunters Estate Agents for value my house" - "Alexa, can you value my property by Hunters Estate Agents" - "Alexa, let's value my home with Hunters Estate Agents" - "Alexa, use Hunters Estate Agents to value my home"
You will be asked to give some details for your property, including the address and number of bedrooms, our tool will then query local market data and recently sold properties in your area to give you your estimated valuation range. We will also send you a more detailed PDF report via email.
If you’re thinking of selling or letting, why not book a valuation appointment with your local Hunters branch? Simply give us your phone number at the end of the sales process and we’ll arrange a convenient time for one of our expert local agents to visit your property and talk you through the local market.
“Alexa, ask Hunters Estate Agents to Value my property”