With VOCOlinc skill and Alexa, you can control VOCOlinc smart devices including Outlets, Light Bulb, Light Strip and Air Purifier using Alexa voice commands. Please register your VOCOlinc smart device using the VOCOlinc application, which can be downloaded from Apple Apps Store and Google Play Store. You may set a friendly name for your device in VOCOlinc application. Eg desk lamp, television, charger. Please enable VOCOlinc skill in Alexa, then sign in to the account that you have registered your VOCOlinc device with. After that you may control your device using Alexa voice commands.
Voice command for model "VAP1", "LS2", "SmartBar", "VP5", "L3", "PM5E", "VP2", "VP3" - "Alexa, ask voco linc to turn off <device name> after ten hours" - "Alexa, ask voco linc to turn off <device name> at five fifteen" - "Alexa, ask voco linc to stop <device name> timer"
Voice command for model "VAP1" - "Alexa, ask voco linc for <device name> air quality" - "Alexa, ask voco linc for <device name> temperature" - "Alexa, ask voco linc for <device name> humidity"
Voice command for model "SmartBar", "PM5E", "VP2", "VP3" - "Alexa, ask voco linc to power cycle <device name>"