Voice Snap let's you track your moods, feelings and emotions by capturing quick and easy 'voice snaps'. - say 'log' or 'i feel', then say how you feel. e.g. 'I feel great today.', 'log, what a stressful day.' or 'log, birthday today! what a wonderful day, so excited!'
You can get a summary of how you felt for the past day, week, month or current year by: - saying, 'how was my day, week, month, or year'.
What mood/emotion did you most experience? Happy, sad, excited, depressed, overwhelmed, scared, stressed, frustrated, tired, exhausted.
Voice snap will provide a count (or summary) of the times you used a mood, feeling or emotion words.
To help others with tracking their moods and emotions, please leave a review. It's nice to receive positive words of encouragement for our hard work on free skills for the Alexa community. Check out our skills at www.prosocialvoice.com/alexa-skills.