I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10000. Can you guess it? I'll give you hints to help you on your way if you need the help, but some of the hints themselves might be tricky!
How to change the level: What number starts in novice level. If you want to try a different level, say, 'SET LEVEL TO EASY|NORMAL|HARD'
How to play: Say.... - NEW GAME: Start a new game. - NEW HINT/NEXT HINT/HINT: Get a new hint that describes my number or one of its digits. - REPEAT HINTS/HINTS: Repeat all of the hints that I've given you so far. - GIVE UP/ADMIT DEFEAT/QUIT: Give up on trying to figure out my current number. - HELP DIRECTIONS/HELP INSTRUCTIONS: Get the in-game directions on how to play my game. - HELP HINT/HELP HINTS: Get an explanation of what types of hints I might provide. - HELP REDUCE: Get an explanation of what I mean when I say, "A number reduces to, for example, 5." - HELP DIVISIBLE: Get an explanation of what I mean when I say a number is divisible. - GET LEVEL: See what level you are on. - SET LEVEL TO NOVICE|EASY|NORMAL|HARD: Change the level for the next game. - To guess my number, just say it, or you can also say, "THE ANSWER IS 500."