Please download the WiSilica platform application from Google Play Store. Search for "WiSilica Lighting" and install the application. Alternatively follow the link to install "". Operate the devices from Google, and check the status in the app. After login to WiSilica app
Please tap on the organisation. Tap OK to continue. This will list the groups inside the organisation. Assuming you selected 'home' organisation, expand 'kitchen' group to see the devices added to the group. Similarly you can browse through other groups inside the organisation and see the devices in those groups.. The Turn On request will perform "ON" operation on the device, please say " turn ON home kitchen". 'kitchen' is a device added under 'home' group. If the operation is successful, a notification should popup in the app. For each device operation the app will receive notification on success. The Turn Off request will perform "OFF" operation on the device, please say " turn OFF home kitchen". 'kitchen' is a device added under 'home' group. If the operation is successful, a notification should popup in the app. For each device operation the app will receive notification on success.