Want to know about the hottest stories as soon as news breaks? Wochit’s Alexa Skill has got your news covered. From politics to the environment, crime to weather events, we cover it all.
All you need to do is say - “Alexa, start Wochit” and get all latest headlines.
In case you want to get the latest about a specific subject (i.e. - Lionel Messi) just say: “Alexa ask Wochit what's new with Messi”.
If you want to get the latest about a specific category (i.e. - Sports) just say: “Ask Wochit to tell me the latest in Sports”. We provide a variety of categories: weather, entertainment, war and conflict, technology, sports, society, politics, law and crime, health, environment, education, disaster and accident, business, news (general).
You can always say - “Alexa, ask Wochit for help” to get instructions on how to use the skill.
here are some ways to get started:
Alexa, start Wochit Alexa, ask Wochit to tell me the headlines Alexa, ask Wochit what’s new in the world cup Alexa, ask Wochit what’s new in sports Alexa, ask Wochit what’s the latest with Messi Alexa, ask Wochit to tell me what is new with Messi Alexa, ask Wochit for the latest in technology Alexa, ask Wochit what is new in entertainment Alexa, play number one Alexa, ask Wochit for help Alexa, next Alexa, stop Alexa, pause Alexa, resume Alexa, scroll right Alexa, scroll left