Want to build muscle, but not quite sure where to start? Whether you're a gym fanatic, or a gym newbie. This skill provides you with a thorough and clear guide to various gym workouts and routines. Workout buddy lets you ask for a breakdown of various exercises so that you can stay fit, and perfect your form.
Over 300+ gym exercise workouts, routines and guides. The skills is updated regularly. It includes routines for some of the following:
A full list of exercises can be found here: https://twitter.com/VikingSkullApps/status/908304388913074177
To use simply ask: "Alexa, open workout buddy" "Alexa, open workout buddy and tell what's the instructions for a calf stretch" "Alexa, ask workout buddy what's a push-up"
If you have any additional workouts, hit me up on twitter: http://twitter.com/VikingSkullApps