With the xComfort skill you can use Alexa to control your lighting, scenes and devices via the xComfort Smart Home Controller. First check if the installed version on your Smart Home Controller is 2.4 or higher.
To get started, find and select the “xComfort” skill in the Alexa App and click "Enable". Insert your SHC Alexa key and click submit. You can find this key in the SHC Web Admin Console -> Diagnostics -> System Status (Format “SHC-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”). The account linking process should be successfully finished.
You can control only devices and functions in the zone called "ALEXA". Login into the Web Admin Console and create a new zone named "ALEXA" (must be in capital letters). Move all the devices you would like to control to this new zone “ALEXA”. Enable also the needed Functions in this zone.
To control your devices with Alexa, you have to tell Alexa to find your devices first. Ask Alexa to find your devices with: “Alexa, find my devices”. Now you are able to do things like:
Device Control: Simply Switching, Dimming and Shading Actuators to be controlled by Alexa in the “ALEXA” zone and tell Alexa to do things like: - “Alexa, turn on kitchen light” - “Alexa, turn on the kitchen light” - “Alexa, set kitchen light to twenty percent” - “Alexa, dim bedroom light” - “Alexa, dim bedroom light by ten percent” - “Alexa, brighten bedroom light” - “Alexa, brighten bedroom light by twenty percent” - “Alexa, what’s the temperature of the living room?” - “Alexa, what’s the temperature in here?”
Scene Control: Simply create scenes in the “ALEXA” zone and you can tell Alexa to execute the scenes: - “Alexa, activate TV Scene”
Find more information in the Smart Home Controller help file.