This is a smart home action that works with the zunpulse app and zunpulse products. A user would need to buy one of the zunpulse products such as smart light or plug then the user would need to configure the product in the android or iOS version of the zunpulse APP which is available on respective app stores. Once the product is added to the zunpulse APP, the user will be able to control those devices via assistant. Steps -
1) login to the assistant account. 2) When enabling zunpulse action, you'll be redirected to a login page to link zunpulse and assistant account. Complete account linking using the same email that you've entered in the zunpulse app. 3) Once account linking is complete, you may control the devices using voice commands to assistant and the device name. For example, if you have added a smart light with the name lamp in your zunpulse account. So you may say
- Ok Google, turn on/off lamp
- Ok Google, change lamp colour to red Supported Commands - - Ok Google, turn on the fan
- Ok Google, turn off the fan
- Ok Google, turn on the lights
- Ok Google, turn off the lights
- Ok Google, change the light color to red
- Ok Google, change the light brightness to 50%
- Ok Google, turn on the plug
- Ok Google, turn off the plug
- Ok Google, is my light on?