This skill provides information on the current tolls being charged on I-66 inside the Beltway in Northern Virginia, between the Capital Beltway and the Teddy Roosevelt Bridge. To get the toll, ask for the inbound or outbound toll from your entrance to your exit. To get a list of entrances or exits, say "list the inbound or outbound entrances or exits."
You can also say get inbound or outbound travel speeds to get the comparative speeds and travel times between I-495 and Washington via I-66 and US Route 50.
You can also ask: "what are the toll hours" to get the toll hours or ask for additional information about the tolls, including the hours.
If you would like Alexa to remember your most frequent inbound or outbound entrance and exit, say "save my trip." Alexa will lead you through providing the necessary information. You can save one inbound trip and one outbound trip. If you have previously saved an inbound trip, Alexa will provide the current toll for your saved inbound trip whenever you open the skill before noon. If you've saved an outbound trip, then in the afternoon and evening, Alexa will provide the current toll for your saved outbound trip immediately upon opening. You can re-save trips in order to change them.
“What is the inbound toll from route seven to washington?”