Able is a media-based social enterprise empowering people through creativity. Able offers high quality person centered opportunities for people with learning disabilities and autism.
We facilitate a number of creative and media activities to meet the varied requirements of our participants. We help empower every individual and help give them a voice within the community. Able was founded in 2006 by a group of volunteers passionate about improving the every-day lives of those living with a disability. Starting as a radio station, the enterprise grew rapidly through demand and now plays a pivotal role within the community. Beyond on-air broadcasts, Able supports an expanding community of people with Learning Disabilities and those living with ASD where we provide a wide variety of creative media to help empower each individual and give them the opportunity for their voices to be heard. STATION/STREAM CONTACTS | | | DEVELOPER CONTACT | STEVE - +1.844.54.ALEXA (844.542.5392) | www.EchoRadio.Online | This is a fan skill. The skill Developer, is not affiliated, or in any way responsible for the content (or licensing) of the audio stream or any other content within this skill.