Advanced Weight Tracker helps you track your weight progress by computing your running average weight, this weight smoothing gives you a more realistic value for your weight instead of seeing your day over day weight changes.
To log a weight entry say: * Alexa, tell weight tracker record one hundred ninety two point four pounds * Alexa, tell weight tracker I weigh one hundred sixty three * Alexa, tell weight tracker add an entry for two hundred point two pounds
To get your average weight say: * Alexa, ask weight tracker how much do I weigh * Alexa, ask weight tracker what is my weight * Alexa, ask weight tracker what’s my average weight
To get your last weight say: * Alexa, ask weight tracker how much did I weigh today * Alexa, tell weight tracker what was my last entry * Alexa, ask weight tracker what is my last weight
To learn your weight change since you started tracking with Advanced Weight Tracker say: * Alexa, ask weight tracker what’s my weight change been * Alexa, ask weight tracker what has my weight change been since I started using Advanced Weight Tracker
To learn how many times you’ve recorded a weigh with Advanced Weight Tracker say: * Alexa, ask weight tracker how many times I recorded * Alexa, ask weight tracker how many log entries I have
To learn more about how Advanced Weight Tracker calculates your weight say: * Alexa, ask weight tracker how is my weight calculated * Alexa, ask weight tracker how do you calculate my average weight
“Alexa, tell weight tracker I weigh one hundred sixty three”