A plain Azan Sound for reminder and routine, it will allow the device to play azan when triggered. No interactions needed. Alexa will not speak! Would you like the Alexa device to call Azan five times a day?
Four prerequisites needed to achieve this task: 1-Create a free account with IFTTT. 2-Enable IFTTTrigger on Alexa device. 3-Enable Al Azan Skill on Alexa device. 4-Subscribe to a prayer calendar after you chose your location - https://prayerwebcal.appspot.com
Here are the steps you need to do in brief: 1- Add the prayer calendar to your Google calendar. 2- In the IFTTT app create a new action: -If This: add Google Calendar and select (Any event starts), then select the prayer calendar from the drop-down list. -Then That: add Alexa Actions by mkZense and select one trigger from the drop-down list. 3- On the Alexa app create a new routine as follow: -Give a name such as "Al Azan" -When this happens: select Smart Home, then select one of your IFTTTrigger devices (the same one you selected in IFTTT action). -Add action: Device setting then Volume and choose the volume level. -Add action: Select Your Skills, then find and select Al Azan skill. -From: Select the Alexa device that you want the Azan to play on. There is no way to play one routine on all Alexa devices, you will need to repeat the routine for every Alexa device. You may get some milliseconds delays between devices but it will feel like a natural echo.
This is my first app and I may be able to add more functionality and Voices to this skill if needed. Your constructive feedback will help.