Nutrition is an overused word as much as Princess Diana was most photographed. It is something that is so important, yet, we know so little about. It is something that has been spent so many years on in studies, yet, given nothing more than a smirk by some people. Nutrition is a subject that hasn’t been given enough thought by most. In a world where time is of essence, few dare to stop and think about health-related issues. Unfortunately, awareness on the proper nutrition is as essential as breathing. It influences our thoughts, feelings and overall well-being. Knowing what we eat and how it affects us will help in improving ourselves in any aspect: health, career, family life, and our relationships with everyone as well. Proper nutrition dictates the state of one’s body and how well it functions. Improper or malnutrition can dull one’s intellect and sucks the health and well-being of the person. It is also one of the reasons for most child deaths all over the world. Enable our skill and stay updated with the latest news , discoveries, tips and tricks. The information in this skill is provided for informational and educational purposes only