Use this Alexa skill to Arm your Angee and get informed on what is happening at home using the Alexa Voice Commands.
Simply ask Amazon Alexa to enable the Angee skill by saying “Alexa, enable Angee skill”. This will provide you with instructions in your Alexa app to link your Angee account with your Alexa account. You can also get setup by using the Angee app, preferences section and continue with Devices list and Add new device option.
After linking you Angee account, just use commands: - “Alexa, ask Angee security to arm” - “Alexa, ask Angee security to disarm” - “Alexa, ask Angee security who is at home” - “Alexa, ask Angee security what is the status” - “Alexa, ask Angee security to start / stop video recording” - “Alexa, ask Angee security to start / stop siren”