Alexa can now tell you about the stats of any Artifact card, or quiz you on your knowledge!
- TRIVIA: You can say "Quiz me" or "Trivia" to start playing Artifact trivia -- Say "Skip" or "Next" if you get stuck -- Say "What's my score?" to see how you're doing -- Say "Stop quiz" to end the quiz
- CARD DETAILS: You can say "Tell me about X card" to get details about any card -- "Tell me about Prellex" -- "What does Blink Dagger do"? -- "How much mana does Time of Triumph cost?" -- "What color is Magnus?" -- "How much health does Kanna have?"
Attributes you can currently ask about: - Attack - Health - Armor - Gold cost - Mana cost - Card text - Card name - Card color
- If you encounter unfamiliar terms such as "Armor", "Initiative", "Retaliate" or others in card text, just ask for a definition.
Whether you've been modified with a key for the game yet or not, use this skill to learn about Artifact cards, and improve your memory!
**Based on the game but entirely unofficial.** **Alexa occasionally has some trouble pronouncing and understanding the word "Selemene". She's working on that though.**